Covenant with My Church Family
Having received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, I dedicate myself to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through Bible study and prayer. I agree to walk in Christian love with my brothers and sisters in Christ as I pursue a spirit-filled walk with God. I commit myself to assist the church body in spiritual advancement by exercising my spiritual gift(s) for the benefit of others. I will contribute cheerfully and regularly of my time, talents, and treasures to support the work of the church in order that the gospel might be advanced in our community and throughout all nations. I promise to watch over my brothers and sisters, remembering them in prayer, aiding them in sickness and in distress, being slow to take offense and always ready for reconciliation. I will advocate for harmony and unity in the body of Christ and will seek to resolve conflict in a Christ-honoring manner. I pledge to build up the body of Christ through the speaking of wholesome words, which edify, encourage and instruct, while avoiding gossip, backbiting and slander.