Church Goals

Discipleship:  We Will…

Glorify God by faithfully preaching and teaching the Bible as we seek to help believers become followers of Christ through surrendered lives to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Exhort and challenge believers to live yielded lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ

Emphasis the ministry of prayer for each other, our church and government.

Seek the spiritual improvement of Christians by ministering to their spiritual, emotional, social and physical needs, while assisting them to develop and use their spiritual gifts in the church and community.

Disciple and minister to all age groups emphasizing Bible teaching and Bible study as the key in meeting spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs.


Evangelism:  We Will…

Faithfully proclaim the Gospel to all people as we have opportunity, inviting them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Teach Christ followers how to clearly present the plan of salvation to the non-believer.

Reach out to the nonbelievers by taking the Gospel to them.

Show the relevance of our faith to the non-believing community through a culturally relevant ministry designed to reach the community with the truth of God’s Word.

Actively emphasize and support missionaries and missionary endeavors throughout the world.


Homes and Family:  We Will…

Build up Christian homes by providing support and training for marriage and parenthood success.

Assist parents in developing spiritual and moral depth in their children.

Take an active role in defending families from spiritual and moral decay.

Minister to the community by providing wholesome family activities and by involving ourselves in community affairs, activities, problems and issues.


Church Body: We Will…

Provide a spiritual climate of Christian love in which God’s Word will have opportunity to germinate and grow in the lives of people.

Be a self-governing, self-supporting, self-propagating indigenous church whereby all members of the church contribute joyfully of their time, talents, and treasures to work of the ministry.

Network with other Christian organizations and churches in the community to build a strong presence of Christ in our community.

Provide corporate worship opportunities (Sunday Services) whereby we celebrate God’s character, attributes, faithfulness, truth, and love.

Furnish opportunity for Christians to fellowship and interact with other believers.

Provide a safe environment for child care, children and teen ministries, while seeking to instruct them in God truth.